Friday, May 28, 2010

How to Create a Customer-Focused Company

Several years ago I had the opportunity to sit around a table in a hotel room discussing customer service with several of the leading service gurus in the country. It was an amazing experience.

With me in the room were John Humphrey, chairman and CEO of The Forum Corporation; Don Munson, executive vice president of Lennox Industries; Craig Johnson, president of Frito Lay; Bob Oatley, executive vice president of American Airlines; and P.J. Boatwright, editor of Fortune Magazine.

Our five-hour exchange was free-flowing and intense. The discussion revolved around a premise espoused by Peter Drucker, who declared, “There is only one valid definition of a business purpose — to create a customer.”

We agreed that those companies that truly are customer focused are those who align their organization and employees in a manner that leads to a predictable positive experience for their customers. Customer focused companies ensure their main objective is to provide their customers with experiences over time that lead customers to view the company as the supplier of choice. Successful companies are those who build customer loyal by consistently delivering on their promise in order to create customer confidence and trust in the company’s products and services.

During our discussion we outlined three essential organizational ingredients that should be at the heart of every customer service effort:

Build Relationships Between Your Company and Your Customers

• Avoid the downward spiral that follows complacency with your current success.

• Work at retaining existing customers and developing new ones.

• Find numerous ways to “connect” with your customers to receive their feedback.

• Pay attention to the “little things” in your service quality.

• Focus on “reliability” versus “tangibles” (see my article called Five Things Customers Want)

Manage Your Employees Well

• Place a high value on your employees. Recognize them as the best source for new ideas.

• Set customer-focused standards of performance. Personalize your service.

• Select and train your people well.

• Ask for employee feedback. Listen and respond to what they say.

Run Your Company Effectively

• Gear everything toward customer expectations.

• Align the entire company to serve your customers effectively.

• Make sure all parts of your organization act in harmony and with consistency of purpose in serving your customers.

• Walk the talk. Model the way.

Over the years Innovative Management Group has created effective roadmaps, tools, methods and models to help businesses become more customer-focused. We show companies how to create an organizational culture that centers on the four interrelated goals of being customer-focused, market-driven, business-oriented and team-centered. Those companies who unify their workforce behind these four goals create greater customer loyalty and superior brand equity.

The Wyoming Two-Step: An Effective Way to Delicately Dance Around Difficult Work Issues and Still Get Results

Many years ago I developed a process that helps people be more receptive to receiving feedback. It also helps to fend off defensiveness when disagreements arise.

Typically when conflict flares the parties involved tend to go head to head, each stubbornly pressing his or her point, hoping forcefulness in tone will cause the other party to listen. But when neither side is willing to give way few issues get resolved.

I’ve found that before you can get others to be receptive to your opinions or ideas you first must be responsive to theirs. To put your ideas forward you must be willing to step back.

I call this technique The Wyoming Two-Step. I’m originally from Wyoming and the concept has two steps, so it seemed like a novel name to me.

The two critical steps of The Wyoming Two-Step are, first ACKNOWLEDGE and then INFORM.

Whenever anyone shares an idea or has an issue with you, first express awareness of the other person’s opinion, idea or perspective. Accept the fact that his or her opinion is valid, the idea has merit, and their perspective is accurate to them.

State up front where you agree with their opinion or idea. Certainly some of their points must be reasonable and valid. Identify the mutual ground first. Restate the other person’s salient points before expressing your personal views.

Once you’ve acknowledged the legitimacy of the other person’s concerns you will be in a better position to inform them of your stance.

There are several very important things you need to understand when you inform others of your views. In order for another person to be receptive to your ideas or opinions they obviously need to know what your position is. But, more important, before they can commit to your view they must fully understand WHY you perceive things the way you do. Provide the background information that led to the formulation of your unique perspective. Before others can see things as you see them they need to know what you know and discover how and why you know it.

They also need to know why they should accept your position. To sway people to your position you need to state the positive results that will be achieved by accepting your view. Help them buy-in to your position by stating the results they can expect if they do what you want.

After the whats, whys, and results have been stated, you should check to see if they accept and/or understand of your position. You may not always get people to accept your perspective. The best you may be able to do is get them to understand your position or idea. Sometimes people can’t agree but the issue still can be resolved if both parties understand each other.

Employees and teenagers don’t always accept what their boss or parents tell them. Arguments ensue when there are conflicting points of view. But there is no need to butt heads. As issues arise merely step back. Acknowledge the other person’s perspective. State where you are in agreement and rephrase those points to emphasize your mutual understanding.

When you have accepted, or at least understood, the other person’s view they will be more inclined to hear you out as you inform them about your perspective. This mutual give and take — stepping back and stepping forward — creates an atmosphere of listening and open communication. It leads to better understanding and a greater chance of real acceptance and real commitment to your ideas.

It may take some practice, but eventually you will master the Wyoming Two-Step. Once you do, you and others will be dancing to the same tune.

The Wyoming Two-Step:


Express awareness of the other person’s opinion, idea or perspective.

State where you are in agreement

Restate the valid points of the other person’s opinion, idea or perspective.


State your own opinion, idea or perspective. Be sure to explain both what and WHY.

State the results the other person can expect from accepting your opinion, idea or perspective.

Check for acceptance and / or understanding of your position.

Five Factors Crucial to the Success of Your Business

During times of economic and organizational uncertainty companies need to focus on the things that matter most — the things that will ensure the viability of their business in the future.

Recently I was re-reading The Art of War by renowned Chinese military strategist, Sun Tzu (pronounced son eat sue). In his book he identifies “five constant factors” a military leader must focus on during a battle. These five factors determine who will succeed and who will fail in war. “He who masters them wins,” says Sun Tzu. “He who does not is defeated.”

The five constant factors in war that determine either survival or ruin are: 1) moral influence, 2) weather, 3) terrain, 4) commander, and 5) doctrine.

I see business parallels to these five military factors. I’m convinced he who masters the five constant factors of business will win; he who does not will be defeated — regardless of the economy or any other conditions.

The first constant factor of business, or moral influence, is a spirit of mission. To survive economic turmoil a company needs the strength of vision and sense of purpose that ignites a fighting spirit within its employees and generates a firestorm of commitment from them. The company’s battle plan must rally the employees in a unified front designed to achieve the organization’s strategic objectives. Those businesses that constantly keep the company’s purpose in the forefront of the minds of the employees will have a strategic advantage.

Sun Tzu’s weather constant equates to outside forces that affect the enterprise. The surge of mergers and consolidations sweeping through every industry is an outside force. So too are the realities of global competition, the influence of environmentalism, terrorism, and other world conditions. Companies who constantly monitor the shifting changes in the world around them, and then adjust their strategies accordingly, will win.

The “terrain” is the marketplace. Just as a general must know the terrain, so too business leaders must consider the scene of action – the place, people, products, pro-motions, price, and other factors that determine success. Strategies and tactics must align these elements so all resources are targeted to achieve the defined objective.

The commander, of course, is the leader of the company, division, or department. The attitude, philosophy and skill level of the leader greatly influences the performance of the employees. Effective leadership principles are the same even during a crisis. Too many companies jettison healthy management practices and lose their sense of direction when under fire from competitive challengers. Managers who maintain their stability and stay the course during tough times will lead their company to success.

The final constant, “doctrine,” is comparable to the guiding principles, core competencies, or critical success factors that are vital to a company’s current and future growth. The company’s core values should never be abandoned in tough times. Rather, they should be the rallying standard that drives everyone’s behavior and performance. When defined accurately, and implemented effectively, a company’s core values are the spirit that moves the organization.

The key to success during business uncertainty is to refocus the “troops” on the five constant factors that ensure a victorious outcome.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Four Ways to Show You Care About Your Customers

Simple words and actions go a long way to improving relationships with your customers.

You can demonstrate your concern and appreciation for your customers through four kind responses that send a message of caring friendliness. When used regularly these four things show how much you value your customers.


One of the best ways to send a message to your customers that they are important to you is to simply acknowledge them. Notice people when they enter your business. Be aware of those who are around you. Make eye contact and smile. As soon as you have an opportunity to speak, acknowledge the person and greet them in a friendly manner.

Several years ago I read a survey where people were asked to identify the one thing that would cause them to take their business elsewhere. The results were surprising. Only 20% of the respondents said they would take their business elsewhere if they were treated “rudely.” But 86% of those surveyed said they would stop doing business with a company if they were treated “indifferently” — as if their patronage was not important.

Another way to acknowledge the customer is to respond appropriately to their comments and inquiries. Acknowledge what people say. Never ignore a customer’s comment. If they say it, they want you to hear it. Find a way to acknowledge every comment from a customer.

Some comments call for a quick response, such as when a person mentions a new home, a grandchild, or an upcoming vacation. You can quickly acknowledge the comment with a response such as:

• Great!
• That’s terrific.
• Congratulations.
• That’s great news.
• How exciting.
• You must be thrilled.
• You deserve a vacation.

All customer concerns or complaints should immediately be acknowledged. Respond with an appropriate apology. Be sure to include in your response the reason for the concern or complaint and tell the person what you will do to help. Here are some examples of what you could say:

• I’m sorry you couldn’t get into your room. Let me make you a new key.
• I apologize for the delay. How can I assist you?
• I’m sorry we’re out of Clam Chowder. The Corn Chowder is equally good.
• I’m sorry you had to return your laptop. I can transfer your old hard drive to your new laptop if you’d like.


You can show appreciation to the customer during almost any interaction. At a minimum you should include a statement of appreciation at the end of a transaction. For example you might say:

• Thanks for calling. I enjoyed talking to you.
• Thanks for staying with us. Come see us again soon.
• Thanks for being so patient and understanding.
• I appreciate your willingness to work with me on this.
• It’s been wonderful seeing you again.
• You’re my favorite customer.


Affirmations are positive statements you make that compliment others. Compliments are easy to make. Be sure you are sincere and really mean it. Don’t invent compliments, but look for the good in others. Find things to praise, such as:

• Wow! I love your car!
• Excellent choice, sir.
• You look cheerful this morning, Sir.
• What a nice looking family.
• Your kids are so well behaved.
• That was an amazing accomplishment.


Whenever a customer has a need or concern, he or she wants assurance that you will take personal responsibility to resolve the problem. After acknowledging the customer’s concern and expressing appreciation that the issue was brought to your attention, make a confidence building statement that assures the customer you will handle the situation.

• I’ll take care of that for you personally, sir.
• I will make sure it is in your room when you arrive.
• My name is Maria. I will call you back in a few minutes with an answer.
• I’ll do it myself to make sure it gets done properly.
• I’ll check into it immediately and contact you as soon as I find out what is going on.
• Let me take it and get it fixed for you. It will be done when you get back.

These four kind responses go along way toward the development of lasting relationships with you customers. Practice using them with your customers (and your family). Both they and you will be glad you did.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why Some People Become Jerks the Moment They are Promoted to Management

Have you ever known someone who seemed to turn into a jerk the moment they were promoted to management?

If you ask employees if they know any managers who are jerks, they’ll tell you there are a lot of them. But don’t worry; I’m sure you are not a jerk! In fact most of the managers who employees think are “jerks” aren’t jerks either. They just appear that way to the employees.

This article explains why some managers seem to turn into jerks the moment they are promoted to management.

Several years ago I was consulting with a large casino property in Las Vegas. I was asked to come in and assess why they were having such significant customer service problems in their coffee shop. The employees had bad attitudes and it reflected heavily in their service. To my surprise the primary cause of the service problem in the restaurant was a toaster — or, rather, the lack of one. The employees were upset with management because there was only one toaster in the coffee shop, which wasn’t enough. They needed another toaster. But management refused to buy an additional toaster.

Having only one toaster meant the food servers had to compete for the use of the single toaster. The food servers were responsible for making the toast while the cooks prepared their food order. Usually, however, the food was cooked before the toast was done because the food servers were still waiting in line around the crowded toaster. Consequently, the food would get cold while the food servers prepared the toast. Then when the customers complained about the food being cold, the food servers had to take the food back to be re-cooked. This made the cooks angry. The cooks often yelled at the food servers for not getting the food out fast enough. The food servers yelled at the cooks to stop yelling at them. The food servers also yelled at each other as they once again started the cycle of competing for the toaster. This, of course, made everyone want to yell at management.

Full-scale battles broke out around the toaster as food servers accused other food servers of crowding in before them, or, worse yet, stealing their toast. The employees hated coming to work. They hated cooks who were angry at them all the time. They hated their fellow employees who would stoop so low as to steal toast. But mostly they hated management for being “too cheap” to buy a new toaster.


Now imagine the following scene. One day a management position becomes available in this coffee shop and one of the food servers, Betty, gets promoted. All of the other food servers are happy for Betty. They congratulate her. They tell her what a wonderful job she will do. They throw a celebration party in her honor. They are happy for her.

But mostly the employees are happy for themselves because they know that now that Betty is in management, she’ll finally get them a new toaster. Betty knows how bad they need the toaster. She’s a former food server. She’s one of them. She knows what it is like to work in the trenches. She won’t forget her friends! She’ll get them what they need.

But then something eerie happens to Betty. Somehow, overnight, she changes. Like the victim of an unseen vampire, bitten by management’s bite, she instantly becomes one of “them.” She becomes a manager. Betty turns into a jerk!

A week after Betty’s promotion there is no new toaster. The employees are antsy. They expected Betty to get them a new toaster right away. They’re surprised Betty hasn’t done it already, but they’re confident Betty will get the toaster soon.

Another week goes by. Still no toaster.

“What about the toaster?” the employees ask.

Betty gives them the typical management answer: “I’m working on it.”

More weeks pass. The workers are becoming disgruntled.

“Hey, when are we going to get a toaster?” they query. “You haven't forgotten us, have you?”

“Leave me alone!” Betty huffs. “I’m doing the best I can.”

It’s now months later and still there is no new toaster. The employees gather in small groups and talk about Betty behind her back.

“I can’t believe it,” one says. “I never thought Betty would become one of them. Now that she’s a big-wig she’s forgotten us peons. She hardly even talks to us anymore. Have you noticed how she always hangs out with other managers?”

Suddenly Betty walks in. The workers scatter. Finally one out-spoken employee inquires sarcastically, “So, Betty, do you think you’ll ever get us a toaster?”

“Look!” Betty snaps back. “You just do your job and let me do mine!”

The disgusted employee quickly turns and stomps off. “What a jerk,” he mumbles under his breath.


What happened to Betty? Why doesn’t she buy the toaster? Why has she isolated herself from people who used to be her friends? Why is she so curt when she speaks to them? Why does she act like such a jerk?

Why? Because something did happen to Betty when she was promoted to management. She didn’t notice it, but it happened almost immediately. And it happens to every new manager.

The moment Betty took on her new role as a supervisor, her PERSPECTIVE changed. Instantly she began to see things from a different view — from a management perspective. She learned how much industrial-grade toasters cost. She found out how minuscule the profit margin is in a restaurant. She was informed of expensive capital improvements that had to be made at the restaurant because of legislated ADA requirements. And she learned of other big-ticket items that needed to be purchased for the coffee shop. Since she was now responsible for balancing her budget, she began to prioritize her expenditures. The toaster was still on her priority list, it just wasn’t as important as it used to seem.

She also was reminded that management had purchased three brand new toasters over the past twelve months. Those toasters needed to be repaired numerous times because the food servers kept breaking them. In their impatience to get their food orders out faster, the employees pushed the conveyor chain on the toaster with a knife, trying to speed it up. This broke the heating element in the toaster. The food servers only had one toaster because they broke the other three.

Betty was reminded that management had warned the food servers several times that management would not continue to replace the toasters if the employees kept breaking them. The employees would have to take better care of the toasters they already had. Now Betty understood why management refused to buy new ones.

Betty’s GOALS also changed when she became a supervisor. As a food server her goals had been pretty simple. She needed to get the food out on time, serve her customers well, and earn enough tips to pay her personal bills.

But as a supervisor, Betty now struggled to ensure the restaurant made a profit. She became concerned about portion control, pilferage, turning the tables, work schedules, inventory levels, equipment maintenance, and numerous other financial matters. The employees were shocked that she now seemed more interested in the bottom-line than in employee morale. To them, she was just like all the other managers. She had become a jerk.


Betty used to be one of the gang. When Betty was a food server she was just like all the other food servers. She occasionally became silly and played around in the kitchen area. During slow periods she hung out and gossiped with the other workers.

But now whenever Betty saw employees standing around she told them to find something to do. She expected them to clean their duty stations, fill the salt and pepper shakers, stock the supplies, or, even worse, punch out early and go home. Apparently now that she was making supervisor’s pay, she’d forgotten what it was like to have to work every scheduled hour just to make ends meet.

But Betty hadn’t forgotten. It’s just that she now realized she had to focus on other RESPONSIBILITIES and place them above her own personal needs. Now it was her job to make sure the work got done. She expected the employees to work a full eight hours, since that was what they were being paid to do. She was constantly amazed that the employees stood around when there was obvious work to be done. Why did she have to tell them what to do all the time? If they didn’t want to work, they should go home. Betty couldn’t believe how lazy the employees had become. They seemed to be standing around all the time. She wondered whether they were acting this way just to get back at her because she had become the manager instead of one of them. Maybe they were jealous.


The employees felt Betty had become a snob after she got promoted. She used to be a lot of fun. She joked around with the customers and other workers. Back then, whenever the employees stood around and complained about management, she was right there with them. In fact, she had promised that if she ever became a supervisor she would never act like management did.

But now Betty spent most of her time with those same managers whom she used to joke about. She formed new RELATIONSHIPS and didn’t associate with her old coworkers much any more. When she wasn’t in a meeting with other managers somewhere, or sitting in her office talking to another manager, she was having lunch with them in an area reserved for management only. The food servers couldn’t remember the last time they saw her in the employee cafeteria or break room.

Betty has heard the employees complain about her never being around. But they just don’t realize how busy she is. She doesn’t like going to all of those management meetings, but she has to be there because that’s where she gets the information she needs in order to do her job. She’d like to be able to just stand around like the employees, but she doesn’t have time. Every night she takes work home with her. The employees don’t do that. Maybe if they’d walk in her shoes for awhile they’d realize how hard managers work.

Actually, it’s difficult for Betty to talk to the employees anymore. It’s as if they don’t even speak the same LANGUAGE. The employees only talk about their personal lives and personal problems. They seem totally focused on money. No matter how big their tips are, they never seem satisfied. They complain about their pay and are constantly critical of management.

Betty can’t listen to these criticisms. If she listens but remains silent, the employees will think she agrees with them. And if she tries to explain management’s perspective, the employees will see her as being defensive. Anyway, there are more important things to talk about with the employees — such as customer service, the quality of the food, work station cleanliness, performance standards, and worker tardiness. Betty wonders why she seems to be the only one worried about these things. After all, isn’t that the employees’ job?


Betty doesn’t get a lot of SATISFACTION from being around the workers. In fact, having to deal with the employees is the least satisfying aspect of her job. She finds that most of her job satisfaction comes from seeing just how productive and profitable she can make her restaurant. She enjoys solving problems and discovering ways to improve the work processes. She likes manipulating the work schedules and monitoring the purchase orders to get the most bangs for the buck. Her personal REWARDS come at the end of each week when she reviews the week’s financial statements and production figures. She loves to see an upward trend and knows that if things continue the way they’re going, she’s likely to get a big bonus at the end of the year.

As Betty sits back and evaluates how she is doing as a new manager she’s pleased with how well she has adjusted to her new role. Almost all of the performance indicators in the coffee shop have gone up since she became the manager. Certainly this was due, in part, to her leadership abilities.

At the same time, she’s surprised at how poorly the employees have responded to her management style. They seemed so happy when she was first promoted. She never expected them to give her so much grief. She is shocked at how quickly their behavior changed after she was promoted. It seemed that the moment she entered management, most of the employees became jerks!


Making the transition to management is often difficult no matter how prepared a person believes he or she is for the job. As shown above, the moment a worker is promoted to management, their perspective and goals change. Without realizing it, and with almost no effort on their part, they start thinking less as an employee and more as a manager. Almost automatically they feel personally responsible to ensure the work gets done. Production and financial performance becomes very important to them.

New managers naturally gravitate in their interpersonal relationships toward other managers. They even start to look and sound like them. Some even take up similar recreational activities, such as golf. They dress like managers and talk about the things that are important to managers. Their language changes as they use jargon and acronyms that are foreign to most employees.

New managers usually don’t notice how quickly their job satisfaction shifts away from receiving pleasure while serving customers to being most happy when budget and production goals are met. They subtly change from a people-focus to an emphasis on numbers.

Finally, not only is dealing with employees less satisfying to the manager, but he or she quickly realizes a manager’s rewards usually come not from good employee relations, but from good productivity scores. A good bottom line can hide a multitude of a manager’s employee relations weakness in many organizations. Most managers naturally gravitate to that which gets rewarded, and in most businesses financial performance is the most important indicator of a manager’s worth to the company.

Since this transformation is mostly unconscious and occurs naturally with little or no effort on the part of the new manager, the new supervisor may not recognize how obvious the changes appear to the employees. The manager may feel like he or she hasn’t changed at all. Invariably, to the new manager it seems the employees have changed.

Since most managers are not jerks (they just appear to be), they need to be aware of two important characteristics that will help overcome any false perceptions employees may have about them. These qualities are 1) personal introspection and, 2) the ability to be open and honest in their communication with their employees.


I believe one of the greatest personal qualities a manager must have is the gift of introspection — the ability to look within oneself to honestly assess how he or she is responding to their new supervisory role.

When a worker becomes a manager, this role change impacts them intellectually, emotionally, and socially. It also may affect them physically and spiritually (one’s personal values and guiding principles).

Some new managers believe once they enter management they are supposed to be smarter than their employees. They feel they should know and understand everything that is going on in the organization. They think they are required to know how to do everyone’s job. They’re supposed to solve any problems that may arise.

When the new manager realizes they don’t know all these things, some managers may become emotionally distressed. Some may unconsciously use an authoritarian tone to mask their insecurities. Others may retreat to previously familiar ground that is more comfortable to them. They may try to retain their “friendship” relationship with their former colleagues.

The change in their relationship with their former coworkers often causes stress for many new managers. They don’t know how to act. They’re afraid if they talk to their former friends, or take them to lunch, it will be viewed as favoritism. So they avoid any contact. This, of course, makes them appear distant or snobbish.

For some new managers, the intellectual, emotional and social conflict of their new role causes physical problems as well. The mental and emotional stress of being a manager may produce anger, fatigue, or even depression. These internal conflicts may also impact their spiritual well-being and challenge long-held values or beliefs. These feelings are difficult to mask and often come out in negative ways as the new manager interacts with the employees.


New managers can minimize the unwanted affects of their management role by communicating openly with their employees. Through introspection they can become aware of how their role change is affecting them. This will help them understand and, if necessary, challenge their perspectives and beliefs about their role as a manger.

For example, they can challenge the assumption that a manager must be the expert in every situation. They can overcome their fear of fraternizing with employees by being conscious about deep-seeded biases or favoritism. They can become more aware of how they are responding emotionally as they face the many management challenges that arise.

For the most part, employees generally respond well when managers openly talk to them about the struggles they’re facing in their new role. Managers who are honest will tell their employees when they don’t know something and will solicit the expertise of the workers. Mature managers don’t expect to know everything, but, rather, utilize the vast talents of their employees to achieve the goals of their work unit. If the manager is open with his or employees, normally the employees will help the manager determine the best way to interact with them to avoid showing favoritism.

By far the worst thing new managers can do is to become isolated from their employees. Unfortunately, this natural isolation begins when the manager takes on his or her new role. New managers immediately feel different than and apart from the employees. This difference keeps them from talking to the workers and causes a gulf between management and the employees.

Sadly, there is a natural tendency in human beings to move in the opposite direction from that which is right. For example, the time when a married couple is in conflict and their marriage seems to be in jeopardy is when they should move toward each other the most. They obviously need to communicate more and spend more time with each other in order to resolve their differences. They need to be more open and listen to each other more. But instead of getting closer to each other, most struggling couples naturally move away from each other, refuse to talk to one another, and close themselves off in separate rooms. Consequently their marriage fails because they moved in the opposite direction from that which was right.

Likewise, when an employee on a work team is struggling, the other members of the team invariably know about it. But instead of moving toward the employee to offer constructive feedback that might help the struggling worker improve, colleagues withdraw as far away as possible from the employee. They isolate the employee and refuse to associate with them, lest they be guilty by association. Eventually the employee fails because they did not receive the support of their fellow workers.

New managers need to fight this natural tendency to withdraw. They need to step toward their employees. They need to spend more time with them, to talk to them more, to listen to them more, and to value the worker’s input more.

New managers who are introspective enough to understand how they and their employees are responding to the manager’s new role will know that open and honest communication is the key to their future success. They’ll realize that soliciting help from their employees and being receptive to the employees’ feedback is one of the best ways to ensure they succeed in their managerial role.

Managers who do this are respected and trusted by their subordinates. These managers are not seen as jerks. They eventually gain the support and commitment of their employees and accomplish the significant results they were expected to achieve when they were promoted. In other words, they get the satisfaction and rewards of management without isolating themselves from their employees.